Iscar and Beyond

Ellie stopped at the top of the stairway, her heart thumping, her mind heady with the froth of victory. This final cave, the seventh, the home of Iscar, was different from those they had encountered below. It was a long, deep gash in the side of the mountain. It's opening a lightning bolt shaped slit in the distance.

Ellie could not see Iscar, but she could feel him standing somewhere in the blackness before her: huge, proud, ready. So bursting with hate-filled life it made her gasp. A foul scent reached her nostrils, and she was repelled. It carried a sense of undeniable strength that left her feeling weak. The wooden stake grasped so surely in her hand now felt all but useless. How could it possibly kill something so powerful? How could she stand alone against such a mighty foe?

Behind her, Benny Knuckles ran up the final steps, praying that Ellie's adrenaline rush had not betrayed her. He feared she would run full throttle into the waiting claws of the Nazgul. Instead he found her standing at the portal to Iscar's lair--shaking.

"Ellie!" he hissed. "Godspeed, what's wrong?"

She didn't need to answer. He knew instantly. This time they were not sneaking up on a sleeping beast. This monster knew she had come and was ready. Godspeed, what should they do? To go forward was certain suicide! But turn back? How could they?

"I'm fucked, Benny," Ellie said squarely. Then she giggled bitterly. "How apropos!"

"Forget this, Ellie!" Benny said desperately. "We'll go back to the colony. We'll find help! They will come. It's their liberation, too!"

His words felt empty, for deep in his heart he knew no one would come, no one would help. A time in history had arrived, a crossroads where all or nothing would be decided in a few short moments. Even he couldn't help, he realized. It was all up to her, to fail or succeed. Now.

"Can you see him?" Benny asked. He felt helpless, blind.

"Not with my eyes," she replied. "Not yet. But I know where he is. There!" She pointed with her stake, but Benny saw nothing except for a deep black hole that threatened to suck in the entire cave--hell, the entire colony!

Ellie stepped forward, a little surer now, a hint of her previous bravado returning, toward the center of the cavern. Her footsteps echoed noisily. The stench grew stronger. Then she heard a sound, a low, menacing growl. Ellie looked up. The sound had come from above her. Where was the beast? What was he up to? Was he clinging to the ceiling ready to pounce?

Ellie had a startling revelation. She had seen Iscar in flight from the bell tower and knew he was huge, but her perspective that night had fooled her. The growls were coming from on high because the monster was towering over her. But instead of cowering, Ellie moved forward step by step, her eyes trying to give form to the nightmare.

Behind her, Benny knew things were going wrong. Ellie was working on pure emotion; driven by forces that were beyond his understanding. She was walking confidently into this mismatched fray even though she might be cut to ribbons. Benny despaired. Had the Lords of Mercury led them here just to see this wonderful woman die? Godspeed, he was just a simple janitor. What could he do? How could he help?

Then an image came to him, a photograph in the Sacred Book. It was of a rocket blasting into the heavens, its flaming tail looking like the fire of creation itself. Written below the photograph was a quote in beautiful scrolled letters. Benny now gasped the true meaning of those words, and he didn't hesitate. He strode forward holding both torches above him, bathing the room with blessed fire.

"Let there be light!" he shouted.

Iscar reared back at the brilliance, and in that instant Ellie saw the full breadth of the demon. He was gigantic! Twice, no three times the size of his slain brethren. Nurtured on blood and human flesh, he had both size and an unquenchable fury. His dark, black face with its long snout and flaring nostrils was a vision straight out of Hell.

The Nazgul screamed in fury. To Ellie it felt as if a jet airplane had started its engines in the resonating chamber. She winced with pain but grimly stood her ground. Benny, despite his unquestioned valor, was knocked over by its force, his gallant torches tumbling to the stone floor.

One torch died, the other sputtered feebly. The cave was darkened, but there was still shadowy light to see by. To kill by.

Ellie wiped the sweat from her brow and took another step forward, stake high, hammer ready. Heroic. She had expected an immediate attack, but to her surprise, Iscar hesitated. It was a creature of unchallenged habit, and this invasion of its home was something not prepared for. How could this pitiable female creature dare challenge him? What did it know that he didn't?

Ellie knew her advantage would be short-lived. She lunged forward purposely. The creature's talons, each as long as the wooden stake itself, lashed out in a blur. Only her amazing speed saved her from death. Iscar meant to slash her in two, but managed only to graze her hand. Ellie screamed savagely in pain. The stake was sent clanging across the cave. She gawked wildly at her left hand and saw the bloody stumps of two fingers.

Iscar, now aroused by the scent of blood, moved in for the kill.

"Godspeed, Ellie, run!" Benny pleaded. His mind reeled. This was too much! There was no chance of victory!

But instead of running for her life, Ellie parried to the right, ignoring the blood and pain. With her good hand, she reached into her jacket and withdrew the metal bar that had so frightened Virgil. To Benny the sharpened rod seemed pitiful now, like a match compared to a flame thrower, but much to his dismay, Ellie pointed the spike and charged.

Just getting to the Nazgul was like braving a gauntlet. Ellie evaded a second nearly fatal blow, then a third, finally escaping under Iscar's legs by a hairsbreadth. She made her metal stake ready and with one swift move, pressed it against the creature's flesh and slammed the hammer with all her might.

It could not penetrate the beast's flesh.

Pain shot up her arm from the ringing metal. The rod clanked uselessly to the floor. Ellie, in shock and astonishment, finally turned to retreat, but Iscar had her. Instead of a death blow, he grabbed her in his mighty claws as if to see what dared challenge the mighty Nazgul. Ellie felt herself being lifted from the ground, up and up until she was face to face with his ugly, evil eyes. They were like black pits, devoid of feeling, devoid of pity. And they looked hungry.

It squeezed Ellie roughly; she felt a rib break. She knew it would only be moments before her flesh would split and her bones be crushed. A lump in her pocket was pressing painfully against her side. With her good hand she reached in and with much effort withdrew the flask of water taken from the shrine of the Lords of Mercury. Ellie looked at it wonderingly, as if it were a mighty gift. The Water of Life! With great pain she unscrewed the top and flung the contents into Iscar's face.

Ellie didn't immediately see the results of her actions, for the Nazgul suddenly released his grip and dropped her to the ground. She hit hard, the pain in her side flaring. Above her Iscar was bellowing in agony. Smoke was rising from his blinded face as if it had been dowsed in acid.

"Ellie!" Benny screamed from somewhere behind her.

Ellie looked back. Benny had scrambled across the cavern and retrieved the wooden stake.

She reached out. "Throw it, Benny!" she yelled. "Hurry, while there's still time!"

Benny tossed the stake through the air, knowing that its flight held their last chance for success. Time slowed. The stake wobbled precariously like a rocket gone astray. But in the next instant it was cradled in Ellie's outstretched hand.

Ellie picked up the hammer where it had fallen beneath the writhing bulk of the screeching Nazgul and staggered to her feet. Her injuries ignored, she moved deliberately toward Iscar who was lashing about blindly in desperation. She side-stepped his razor sharp claws nimbly, and moved in for the kill. Hammer on wood, colliding with flesh and bone, going where steel would not, moving toward the evil heart of the Nazgul with supernatural surety. The singular sound of tissue being violated, as the stake found home with a sickening thud.

Iscar shuddered and rose up as if to try and escape his fate, but the damage was done. Death had come to claim the last remaining Nazgul. But before he rocked to the cavern floor, Iscar called out, a sad, pleading wail that touched Benny's soul. It was a call to its fallen brethren, a signal announcing the end of a world that had been taken from it. It was a bitter call to eternity.

Benny turned to Ellie. "You did it!" he shouted with amazed joy. "The colony is free!" But his joy ended abruptly. Ellie was lying crumpled on the ground.

Benny ran past the hissing heap that had once been the bane of the New Colony, to where Ellie had collapsed. He knelt down and gasped. Blood was flowing from a deep gash across her stomach, the result of the Nazgul's final frenzy.

"Oh, Ellie!" he cried. "Oh, what bullshit!"

Ellie moaned with pain and looked up at him with glassy eyes. "The ultimate bullshit," she said painfully.

"What can Benny do, Ellie? Oh, please Lords, tell Benny what to do!"

Ellie coughed. Blood trickled from the corner of her mouth. "There's nothing you can do, Benny," she said.

"Don't say that, Ellie! Oh, don't tell Benny that!"


"Oh, Lords! Oh, help me, Lords of Mercury!"

"Shut up, Benny!" Ellie cried with effort.

Benny shut up.

"I know, I know you are going to find this hard to believe, Benny, but I'm not going to die. I'm just going home."


"Shush, Benny. Please. There's not much time. I know it sounds crazy, but it's true. I'm going back to another life, Benny. One of many I have lived; one of many more I will live."

Benny looked at her wide-eyed, faced the stunning realization that there was nothing he could do to help her. Blood was everywhere. There was no way he could save her. Ellie Lewis was about to die.

Benny Knuckles began to cry.

Ellie held up her arms. "Help me, Benny," she said weakly. "Let me see the light of the New Colony one last time."

There was nothing else Benny could do. He carefully picked her up in his arms. As life flowed from her, Ellie felt light as a feather. She moaned with pain, but as they walked toward the edge of the cave, she spoke into his ear.

"The fate of the colony is in your hands, Benny. Take the head of Iscar and show the people that the reign of terror has ended. Show them that the curse of The Two is over. Show them that seven is only a number, not a way of life. Show them that a man without a Sacred Name has achieved greatness..."

"Don't talk, Ellie. Save your strength."

"One other thing, Benny," Ellie continued with a grunt. "Midgey loves you, and if you look deep in your heart you will realize that you love her, too. Marry her, Benny. Have the children that will give the New Colony a fresh start."

They reached the lip of the cave. Rain pelted them, and windswept around Benny's feet.

"Stand me up, Benny."

Benny lowered her onto wobbly feet. She stood in front of him, her back to the edge of the cliff and steadied herself by laying her hands on his shoulders. Benny saw great pain in her, but also a strange peace. He had heard her words but barely understood. She was to be the hero, not him. Why would she leave him now to return to the colony alone?

"Goodbye, Benny," Ellie said. "Thank your Lords of Mercury for helping us, today. I truly don't think we could have done it without their grace."

Ellie tensed and let go of Benny shoulders. She held her arms outstretched and pushed herself backwards. Benny reacted, but he was too late. Ellie tumbled backwards into the driving rain.

"Ellie!" Benny screamed as she plummeted into the mist. But he was too late.

Ellie Lewis was gone—-

--and I awoke in a peaceful place.

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